
Saturday, June 26, 2010

We have adopted another pet.

The newest addition to our pet family arrive about 1 week ago.  My 9 year old along with the neighbor boy caught a horny toad and it came to our house to live.  I don't really mind, as it just overjoys to boy to have a cool little pet like that.  It was rather shy in the beginning and would his and snap at him when he tried to pick it up, but after a while, he figured out that if he just rubbed behind the little horns on the top of it's head, it calmed down.  Great, now we get to chase the little guys around and make them scream.  
So, a place was made to keep the lil' toad thingy safe from the cats.  They really wanted to eat it!  So for a few days in lived in a barrel type home will plenty of red ants for snacks.  Now it has been moved to an empty fish tank filled with sand and rocks to enjoy a safer life.  We are still looking for names, so any suggestions would be great.

1 comment:

  1. And to think that my girls were so proud of our cat for catching lizards to feed itself...your a very nice mother to let him keep it :)
